Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The journey is what makes the end so sweet.

One of the Fairy Pools in the Cuilins, Scotland
(Paul Carroll from Scotland, flickr)
Sometimes its hard to remember that all the struggles and pain you  endure are just bringing you closer to the end of your journey. It's difficult to believe that the late nights, the frustration, the heartbreak, and tears are what will make you realize your dreams. It's hard. But once you get there, once that moment where everything falls into place is right in front of you, all those trials will make you smile and all those obstacles will let you breathe. You will look at your destination and feel happiness creeping up from your toes, into your heart, and all over your soul. And when you step into that moment, it will all be worth it.

"We, people's hearts, simply let life proceed, in its own direction, toward its own fate" - Paulo Coelho


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