Sunday, 15 April 2012

5 Things: H&M Conscious Collection 2012

Okay, who else is loving the new H&M Conscious Collection???
The whole feminine and summery look it gives off is gorgeous!
In short, it's EXACTLY the kind of stuff I go for so clearly I'm dying to go on a major shopping spree.
...If only I wasn't a broke student. (cue the tears)
Here are some of my favourite pieces (it took great self-restraint not to post everything, pat on the back). Enjoy!
How elegant is this dress?!
Perfect for Prom or just about any other fancy shmancy occasion.
Plus it's purple, can't get prettier than that! 

Dress, $199 

This is one of my favourite pieces in the
entire collection. There's something so whimsical and
cute about this blouse, oui?
Blouse, $17.95
This blazer is perfect for formal and casual wear,
and the ruffled details on the sides give it such a unique flair. Love. 
Blazer, $59.95
The price points of this collection are conscious indeed.
This lace skirt is elegant, but also really affordable.
Skirt, $14.95
A lot of the collection includes fruity and floral prints like 
this blouse. Hello summer.
Check out the rest of the Conscious Collection at


  1. I'm obsessed with the H&M lace pencil skirt but I can't find it anywhere!

    1. Aw :( I found the hot pink version at my local H&M, but not the pale pink one. I wish they had online shopping!


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