Everyone, and I do mean every single person ever, has a dream. Or dreams.
We all want to be somebody, do something, and go somewhere. So why don't we just do it?
Stop letting things, people, circumstances, and life hold you back.
And do that something-something that you meant to do eventually. Do it today. Do it while you still can, while you're still here.
Become who you've always wanted to be. Why waste your time dreaming your dreams and not living them?
Think about who people would remember you as or remember about you were you to die today.
Morbid? Yes. Realistic? Absolutely.
And while some of us are optimists and pessimists, we all have to come to terms with reality at some point. You can't avoid it, try as you may. Life is all about blending your dreams with your reality. It's about finding a balance that will make you happy. It's about finding not only where you belong, but who you belong as.
Some of us live for ourselves while some of us live for others. It's okay. Either way is fine. No one is being selfish and no one is being self-sacrificial, we're just being who we are.
People will tell you to live for yourself and to not suffer through life pleasing others. They will tell you that it's wrong and I won't tell you that it's right, but if pleasing your parents as a doctor gives you more happiness than following your dream of being a baker, don't feel bad. Don't you realize that you're still following your dreams? You're still finding happiness and you're doing it your way.
And if you find that being someone you don't want to be is making you unhappy and all you feel is this great void in your heart, you should follow your dreams. Find your happiness and find it your own way. You may think people will be disappointed and yes, they might be, but when they see your joy how could they possibly think you were wrong?
Think about it. When you see someone comfortable in their skin and happy with their lives, don't you feel that warmth radiating off of them? Think of that one teacher in school who was your favourite because they were so passionate about what they taught. That is who you want to be. Not specifically a teacher, but that person who lives their life with passion and fierce determination.
When you're unsure of where your future lies and what you should do with yourself, think selfishly. Then try thinking realistically.
Can what you want to be and what you can be melt into one another?
Is there a reasonable, honest way for you to get as close as possible to your dreams? Being closer than where you are now will always be better than not moving at all. So move, because your destination is your destiny.
Find your way there.
P.S. Hope you're all having a good week so far!
Damn! You captured so many of my thoughts...but way more eloquently than I can. I like your other posts too..In MyOwn Skin and the short story are my favourites.