Sunday, 16 October 2011

Made to Braid

There's no other way to say it, I'm obsessed with braids. 


 All hail my Fishtail
I love the complexity of this style, but it's extremely easy to do once you get the hang of it. Fishtail braids can be done to the side for a casual, everyday look or dressed up with ribbons and bows (right). It's definitely very popular this year. You can find a great tutorial at

Let's do the Twist
How elegant is this look?? I absolutely love doing the twisted sister for the simple elegance it gives. This look is so versatile! It looks fabulous when paired with business-casual attire (for interviews or work) and is also a great option for parties and weddings. For a step-by-step demo go to

A one-sided conversation
One-sided braids are on the cute side of the spectrum. They're simple and casual for the most part but like any other hairstyle, one-sided braids can be dressed up with accessories such as flowers, ribbons, or feathers. There are SO many ways to do a beautiful one-sided and these are just some of them.  The only sad thing is that if you have a darker shade of hair or one without highlights/lowlights, the complexity and different strands of the braid barely show.

Here's an easy waterfall french braid for which you'll find the tutorial at

This one looked really difficult at first glance but makes sense once you get the hang of it. You'll find a step-by-step tutorial here:

What's your favourite braid?     

Photos courtesy of Kristin Ess at and tumblr


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