Friday, 4 November 2011

I'm feeling wisdom-y

Look at where you are right now at this moment in life. It doesn't matter if it's a good place or a bad place. It does not matter at all.
Because you can only go up from here.
You can only go up as long as you don't look back. If you look back, you might turn around. Things from the past will start to look appetizing. They will lure you with their familiarity. You'll be tempted to stop progressing, turn around, and walk down the beaten path.
So don't look back. Because there is a reason that it's all behind you now. There's a reason that you're standing where you are. The people you left behind, the choices you made, the bad habits you grew out of, all the regrets and decisions are what led you to this spot. 
You can only go up from here.
It may look difficult and it may be hard. Maybe it had been easier before. But were you happy then? Are you happy now?
Why don't you go get this happiness? 
Why don't you do everything you need to do to be the person you want to become? You have already been the person you don't want to be. And that in itself should make your path more clear.
Follow your heart, but don't forget your brain. Your heart helps you realize what you want, but your brain makes you understand what you need. 
We all make horrible, life-changing decisions at some point. But we remain alive and things get better when we let them. When we are true to ourselves.
So remember, no matter where you stand, in success or in failure, you can only go up from here.

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