Sunday, 12 February 2012

Brrrr-ing me some Butterbeer

It's snowing! I feel like I make that announcement way too often on this blog haha but I love it when it snows. The only thing is...its FREEZING. I'm sitting at home and I can't feel my toes (maybe I should stop ignoring my mom and just wear socks, but for some reason I'm just not into the socks-at-home thing). You know what would be lovely right about now? Down-right heavenly? If I was in my dorm at Hogwarts and it was the day of a Hogsmeade visit. I would brave the gusty winds and blowing snow to make it to Three Broomsticks and I would sit by the fire and ask Madam Rosmerta to bring me some amber-gold, warm, and delicious Butterbeer. Mmm. 
But until the day comes when I wake up at Hogwarts and realize that this life right here...this "reality" is actually a dream, I have this:


  1. Would it work with margarine? And is the butter supposed to be unsalted?

  2. I suppose it could work with margarine, but you probably won't get the same consistency or taste. And I'm assuming it's best if the butter is unsalted, but if you do try it with salted butter or margarine, let me know how it turns out! :)


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