Thursday, 9 February 2012

Honestly, it's just honesty

The following picture was sent to me by my best friend after she found it somewhere on the internet. I realize that it's controversial, but I honestly agree with every word written here. All my life I've been teased about being "too skinny" and although many find that flattering, it can be said in a way that really isn't a compliment at all. Some people are just born skinny - trust me. We eat and eat and don't gain any weight. There's no reason to hate us for that because it's not actually as wonderful as it sounds. People who can't gain weight have a whole range of problems open to them such as iron deficiency, anemia, decreased immunity, etc. Their skinniness might be genetic, but it could also be the outcome of depression or another clinical disorder.
The point is, everyone's beautiful. Being skinny shouldn't make you an easy target for taunts and condescending comments. Not all of us are anorexic or consciously counting calories at every meal. 
So, all you ladies out there who have called me, or any other girl, anorexic and giggled as if it was the most gracious compliment in the world, this one's for you:

1 comment:

  1. Totally true, its not a common perspective but an important one nevertheless


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