Thursday, 2 February 2012

In a World of Colour

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in those chalky, blue towns on a hill in some exotic country? No? Maybe it's just me. (Maybe I've watched Mamma Mia too many times haha)
I believe that while contemporary living has it's own beauty in terms of structure and cleanliness...there's a whole different world of beauty in colourful, traditional living. Brightly coloured walls, flowers, and linens all add life to your day.
I would LOVE to live in Greece or Turkey; have my door open up to cobbled streets and hanging flower baskets with sunshine above and an ocean not too far away. Sometimes I seriously think I was born in the wrong part of the world...not to mention in the wrong era :P 
What's your take on colourful living? Exotic and romantic? Or tacky and old-fashioned?

1 comment:

  1. One Word: ITALY <3

    so definitely exotic and romantic.


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