Tuesday 13 December 2011


I have a confession. 
I guess it's my guilty pleasure, but I stay up laaaate into the night looking at pictures of food. (Is that really as weird as it sounds?) 
And not just any type of food...delicious food. I just can't help it. 
Food is one of those universal truths - like water - that you just can't live without. But although actually eating the stuff is the best part, food photography is like a feast for your eyes :) 
So, I've decided that every once in a while I'm going to torture y'all with pictures of delicious, mouth-watering goodness. (Why suffer alone, right?) 
Without further ado, here is the first post of "Dine-spiration"! (gosh that's cheesy..)

Source: prettygirlfood.com


  1. anum these look yummy. I wanna kill you right now! hahahaha

  2. haha sorry! I was dying from hunger while posting this too


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